Perform actions on the Element / Page
Last updated
Perform actions on the Element / Page
Last updated
Wait for Displayed
Waits for the provided element to be displayed in the DOM.
This checks the entire page if the element is displayed.
Wait for Not Displayed
Waits for the provided element to not be displayed in the DOM.
This checks the entire page for when the element is not displayed.
Wait for Visible
Waits until the element to be visible within the viewport.
Elements that are not visible in the viewport, but are further down the page will not be captured by this step. Use Wait for Displayed to check the whole DOM.
Wait for Not Visible
Waits for an element to not be visible within the viewport.
If the element was never there, this step will still pass, as we are waiting for the element to not be there.
Wait for Enabled
Waits for the given element to not have "disabled" property set.
This node checks for the native enabled funcitonality.
Wait for Not Enabled
Waits for the provided element to have the "disabled" property set.
This node checks for the native disabled funcitonality.
Wait for Exist
This checks the entire DOM if the provided element is present at all, this can be in a disabled state, or not visible.
Wait for Not Exist
This checks the entire DOM if the provided element is not preset.
Wait for Clickable
Waits for the element to be clickable, handy for waiting for a button to be ready when a page is loading.
Wait for Not Clickable
Waits for when the provided element is no longer clickable
This step is not recommended for use. Pausing for a specific amount of time causes tests to be flaky and unpredictable. The preferred method is to use one of the many Wait For options.