
Starters of Flows


The Open node is used as a start to a flow. You can have more than one open within a flow.



The "Type" selection can be one of the following: Open - This is the standard open type Advanced Open - See Advanced Open


Enter a Fully Qualified URL (including the https://) for the website that you would like to test. This input allows Values (Value Store) values to be used within it.


Pick from (left to right) Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Emulated


With Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, you can pick from a range of presets.

We have a large selection of devices to pick from, these are Emulated, but give you the option to test your websites on different device views at the same time.

Note: Adding multiple opens with different devices will create multiple tests. Ensure that a test is Repeatable and Independent to avoid flaky results.

Advanced Open

The Advanced Open is used when an additional configuration is needed before opening the website under test.



The "Type" selection can be one of the following: Open - See Open Advanced Open - The one explained in this section


Enter a Fully Qualified URL (including the https://) for the website that you would like to test. This input allows Values (Value Store) values to be used within it.


Pick from (left to right) Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Emulated


With Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, you can pick from a range of presets.

We have a large selection of devices to pick from, these are Emulated, but give you the option to test your websites on different device views at the same time.

Note: Adding multiple opens with different devices will create multiple tests. Ensure that a test is Repeatable and Independent to avoid flaky results.


This setting is used to slow down the network speed of the browser artificially whilst running the test

Using this setting will make the tests run slower, consuming more run minutes per test


You are able to set request headers on the entire test case. Examples can include Authorization headers or tracking headers. Headers can also use the Values (Value Store).

Last updated