Checks (Assertions) for Elements and Page
Last updated
Checks (Assertions) for Elements and Page
Last updated
Check Displayed
Checks the provided element is displayed in the DOM.
This checks the entire page if the element is displayed.
Check Not Displayed
Checks the provided element is not displayed in the DOM.
This checks the entire page for when the element is not displayed.
Check Visible
Checks the element is visible within the viewport.
Elements that are not visible in the viewport, but are further down the page will not be captured by this step. Use Check Displayed to check the whole DOM.
Check Not Visible
Checks an element is visible within the viewport.
If the element was never there, this step will still pass, as we are checking that the element is not there.
Check Enabled
Checks the given element has the "disabled" property set.
This node checks for the native enabled funcitonality.
Check Disabled
Checks the provided element has the "disabled" property set.
This node checks for the native disabled funcitonality.
Check Clickable
Checks the element is clickable.
Check Not Clickable
Checks the provided element is no longer clickable
Check Exist
This checks the entire DOM if the provided element is present at all, this can be in a disabled state, or not visible.
Check Not Exist
This checks the entire DOM if the provided element is not preset.
Check Focused
This checks the element to see if it has focus in the DOM, for example, an email field would have focus once its been clicked or tabbed into.
Check Not Focused
Checks that an element does not have focus.