
Store, Set and Delete Data from your Tests or Website

Store Text



You are able to store using the following types:

  • Store Text This stores the text property of the selected element, for example, a Login button will have the text "Login".

  • Store HTML For other non-rendered items, such as the Page Title, use this type to store the inner HTML of that element. For example, <title>Heading</title> would store Heading.

  • Store Value This is handy for dropdowns / select elements, where you would like to store the value property of the element

  • Alias Value Set an already stored value and alias it to another one to simplify, for example, an API response object,[1].user can be aliased to testUser for use later in the tests. If you would like support on how to use this, please reach out to us.

  • Store Element Count This node will count the matches for the element, and store it in the provided key.


Select an Elements to use in this action, or use the + button to create a new one.

Storage Name

This is the name that you would like to give it in the Values (Value Store). For example, if I am on a product page, I can store the price elements text to be productPrice, and then later refer to it in action and assertion nodes by typing $ in the value field.


Give the new cookie a name, if this is already existing, the current cookie will be overwritten with the new value.

The value that you would like to set in the cookie. You can use Values (Value Store) values within this field.



You can either delete a named cookie or Delete all cookies

If you have selected to delete a named cookie, then provide its name here. If the cookie does not exist already, this step will still pass.

Set Local Storage


Key Name

Set the key of the local storage item.

Key Value

The value that you would like to set in the local storage item. You can use Values (Value Store) values within this field.

Delete Local Storage



You can either delete a named local storage or Delete all localStorage

Key Name

If you have selected to delete a named localStorage item, then provide its name here. If the item does not exist already, this step will still pass.

Set Session Storage


Key Name

Set the key of the session storage item.

Key Value

The value that you would like to set in the session storage item. You can use Values (Value Store) values within this field.

Delete Session Storage



You can either delete a named session storage or Delete all sessionStorage

Key Name

If you have selected to delete a named sessionStorage item, then provide its name here. If the item does not exist already, this step will still pass.

Last updated